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August 08, 2011

Top 10 Hottest Guys

Getting sick is really annoying ="= I can't sleep or do my work~ :( 
But, yeah forget it! at least I can do online... :D
Just for fun I write Top 10 Hottest Guys Characters from various games according to my version, In other word, My favorite hottest male characters from games hehee...

Seperti halnya cowok suka liat cewek cantik, nah si saya yang cewek ini juga suka kalo liat cowok cakep hihihii~ Dan sy berterima kasih kalau sekarang para developer game memperhatikan "kesukaan" kaum hawa juga (Hah?) LoL

Okay, here we go~

1. Dante - Devil May Cry
Mukyaaa~ >w< Dante is Number one of my favorite character 
Dulu waktu pertama liat gamenya (Dmc4) di rumah paman,
sy langsung suka and rasanya belum ada yang menggeser kekerenannya Hahaa~
Dan sy pun kembali jadi abg kalo liat si om Dante ini...LoL
Kamana atuh gayaa~
I like Dante in all of DMC series, but I like him the most in DMC 4
Hottest and coool~ hohoo...and his character is really interesting
Ga ada jaim-jaimnya tapi keren and seme banget!
Udah tuapun tetep huhuy XD 
ah sayang si om ini hanya tokoh khayalan '=n='

2. Leon - Resident Evil
Umur Leon berapa ya? apa dia termasuk golongan tua??? 
Tampangnya sih kayak suka nge'galau
tapi liat movienya ternyata ngga, boro-boro ada waktu LoL
Om, keren bener sih~

3.  Laguna - Final Fantasy VIII
Old character again 0_o;
Am I really Oedipus complex, huh!? hahaa~
Laguna is so kind person and always smile XD
Beda banget sama anaknya yang tukang muyung itu~ =v=;

4. Tachibana - Sengoku Basara
 Om-om baik hati~ (ato aneh?) 
Lagi tarungpun suka sambil senyam-senyum geje :D
Pengen baca komiknya tapi ga punya~ >w<

5. The Warrior - ZerA: Imperan Intrigue
Se...serem...sangar eui, tapi gagah~ :3

6. Cloud - Final Fantasy CC
Maybe Sephiroth is hotter than Cloud, but I prefer Cloud \^^/
Walo si abang yang satu ini suka nge'galau, tapi biarin deh, uke sih
cakepnya ga nguatin :D

7. Rush - The Last Remnant
Wajahnya setipe sama si Cloud, sama-sama kelahiran Square Enix sih
Tapi si mas ini tampak lebih cengos dan santai
at least lebih fun dari si abang cloud lah karakternya~ 
Desain kostumnya ruwet banget ="= 
pantes fanartnya jarang, orang dah cape duluan liatnya 
Padahal tampangnya huhuy begini yah~ :D

8. Yoshitsune - Genji : Dawn Of The Samurai
His face is resemble to Uchiha Sasuke, huh? O_o asa mirip
Karakternya juga agak-agak serius gitu deh, tapi ini mah uke :D
Kalau lagi tarung, lemet-lemet gini ngelawan orang-orang gede, jadi keren sendiri~ 

 9. Roxas - Kingdom Heart
Ini lebih bocah lagi hahaay~ 
Suka Roxas kalo lagi bengong dan bingung
Tapi jarang-jarang liat dia senyum kayak gini, cute XD

 10. Leo - Tekken VI
Satu kata: Handsome!!! :D
Sebenernya ga tau karakternya kayak gimana, 
game'nya pukul-pukulan gitu, jadi susah menilainya +.+ 
Tapi kalo protagonist ganteng, biasanya dibikin bagus juga karakternya, 
minimal ga yang macem-macem lah ya demi fan service~ :D
 -Pictures source : Snapshoot and Googling-

Yap, udah 10! Lumayanlah sekedar buat cuci mata~ siapa tahu jadi Inspiration :D

Tapi ada fakta menyedihkan :
Sesungguhnya si sy ini ga pernah mainin game-game di atas itu......... *kayang*
Karena sy suka liat graphisnya, jadi suka aja ngikutin beritanya kalo ada game yang heboh di pasaran, biasanya bagus jadinya bikin penasaran untuk dilirik. Jadi sy cuma nonton movienya (yang dibuat), liat trailer-trailernya, and baca ulasannya SAJA!!! *A*; oh......................

Yah sebenernya begitupun udah cukup puas sih mengingat kalau main gamenya pasti bakal lupa waktu (seperti pengalaman terdahulu), tapi sy kabita ingin main Dmc 4~

Jikalau ada dermawan yang berbaik hati menghadiahkan sebuah console game pada saya, PS3 misalnya...............Dengan senang hati saya sambut kemurahan hati anda.....oh paman kaki panjang!!!..........Wahahaha~ ngimpi siang bolong! waraa wiriii~

August 03, 2011

Harry Potter Junior

I just watched The last Harry potter movie at cinema~
Although many peoples say that the movie was not as good as the novels, but I think the last episode was cool~ I had enjoy it^^ But, yeah I prefer Harry and friends when they're still cute child XD

Aaah I miss their cuteness~
Little Harry is so cute, Hermione and Ron too >w<
Why are you growed up so past? hahaa...

But, it's okay...now they have children
And waaaw they're soo cute too...XD

James Sirius Potter (Will Dunn)
Look like a naughty brother for Albus, LOL

Albus Severus Potter (Arthur Bowen)
Oh my...so cuteee~ >w<

Lily Luna Potter (Ellie Darcey Allen)

Hugo Weasley (Ryan Turner)

Rose Weasley

Ted Lupin (Luke Newberry)

Scorpius Malfoy (Bertie Gilbert)
So handsome boy^^
Could be a good "partner" of Albus hehee... XD

I want to see their life in Hogwarts too...
Aaah hope Jk.Rowling and Warner bross make the special sequel about them~
Wiiii wajib nonton kalo adaaa \>w</

Harry potter Junior
Want to see their "Bond" and "Friendship"  XD
Saya malah lebih tertarik sama anak-anaknya haha...
So sweet~ >w<
Photo source: Googling

August 02, 2011

My Lost Comic Project

I found my comic draft that i drow last year... \*A*/
When I moved my house, I lost my stuffs, include my comic draft TAT oh my...how could...??? seballl~ I already did the manuscrpit and the storyboard until finished (60 pages), but I couldn't find it anywhere...

Genre : Fantasy - Comedy Action
The story about young Hongkong Boy (Anegi) and his guardian (Uno)
Tapi settingnya di sekolahan Indonesia hehee~
Tadinya mau sy submit buat kompilasi koloni tahun lalu (2010), tapi berhubung keburu mau pindahan residence, musti ngurus ini-itu, nyari kosan, dll...jd jadwalnya keganggu banget, deadline buat kompilasipun keburu ditutup, jd sy cancel deh :|

Niatnya mah mau saya terusin jd komik satuan aja...TAPI seudah pindahan si storyboardnya ilaaang *A* en sy lupa dimana naskah ceritanya saya simpen :( dicari di folder komputer jg ga ada...walo masih inget sih ceritanya, tp lupa detail2nya *A* ah poor my short memory...

Seudah ilang dan tertunda cukup lama, jadi weh ga mood nerusin komik ini...auh auh  maafkan daku... >_<

Found 8 pages old sketches
Butut dan berantakan...inilah sketsa sy, haduh super kasar~ *A*
Kapan ya saya bisa ngomik lagiiiii~

Shojo manga time~

Just finished 4 works, yeaay finaly~ Hope my kind editor send me more soon for next XD. Lately I often received SHOJO manga script. I didn't read shojo manga For along time (actually, almost in 2-3 months I didn't read any comics/manga TAT). Shojo manga remind me when I was highschool age^^; natsukashii na~ Now, I just can smiling when I read it again~ how teenager... LoL. But when I reading this one, I like this, especially for the art...very nice...Pretty art from Toyama sensei :)
(The Return of Gods)
Genre : Fantasy | By: Ema Toyama
A little bit ecchi and lolicon ahahaha~
The story about recalling the gods who dwell in a person's hair 
and could grant for 1 request if they're released
The main character named is Mashiro
  A girl who have so many gods in her hairs, 
She can't grow up because she's sealed by something for something
But, sometime she'll be back to her normal age if the situation come to pressed her...
tipikal komik jepang banget ya hahaay~ 
kalo berubah jadi gede, ecchinya keluar deh... :D
And seem to be quite a lot of bishounens in this series XD
Look this one, The One of god who just appeared.
very cool god (guy) for shojo manga, huh!? :D

Althought the story is for teenager, but I enjoy to see the artwork^^ 
Can't waiting for next volume~

Now, let's take a rest for a while..
I miss to draw Kiriyaaa~ \>o</